A key highlight of the event will be the announcement of the winners of the 2024 Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads photo contest. The event will showcase the 60 best photos from this year’s competition, ...
Throughout history, thousands of languages have been spoken along the lengths of the Silk Roads, both land and maritime. These languages have been one of the major means of transmission of knowledge, ...
This platform has been developed and maintained with the support of: ...
Since 1967, the annual celebrations of International Literacy Day (ILD) have taken place on 8 September around the world to remind policy-makers, practitioners, and the public of the critical ...
بالاحتفال باليوم العالمي للفلسفة سنويّاً، والذي يصادف الخميس الثالث من شهر تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر، تظهر اليونسكو القيمة الدائمة للفلسفة في ...
UNESCO calls on young people around the world, aged 14 to 25 years old, to pick up their cameras and send their best photos to the 6th edition of our Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads contest. UNESCO Silk ...
Al-Tafhim li Awa'il Sana'at al-Tanjim is a Persian language work by the renowned Iranian scientist, abu-Rayhan al-Biruni (440-362 HD/ 973-1048 AD) containing questions and answers in a format easily ...
During the 40 th Session of the World Heritage Committee in Istanbul, Turkey in July 2016, “Archaeological Site of Ani” in Turkey was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as a relic historic ...
Religious movements and religions have had an important role on the history of the Silk Roads. It is notably the case of Buddhism which had a considerable influence on the early trade routes. Within ...
How will you know if you have achieved the project’s objectives? Once you’ve broken down your objectives into key activities, you need to define how to track the results of these activities as well as ...
So, why communications? Sharing and disseminating what you are doing is key in order to keep all those involved in the project informed, but also to generate visibility amongst different stakeholders ...
SOAS, the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) is dedicated to the study of the languages, cultures and societies of Africa, Asia and the Middle East, and is the only Higher ...