The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), also known as the Middle Corridor, is an international transport corridor running through China, Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, ...
The company hosted a series of events in the capital, Bishkek, to celebrate.
Software developed by Haritaevi Aviation Engineering aims to manage physical obstacles for airports, air traffic control ...
Bogged down by its all-out war on Ukraine, now dragging through a third year, Russia is visibly losing its historic role as ...
Mary Kay Inc., a global leader in skin care and cosmetics, is proud to announce its expansion into Kyrgyzstan, marking a ...
US long-range strike decision pushed to next week; Armenia moves closer to ending security alliance with Moscow; Ukraine ...
While the on-going Russo-Ukraine war has obvious consequences for East-West relations, the impact of this conflict on ...
On the last day of our visit to Xinjiang, we watched a grandiose performance on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the ...
INTERVIEW: Oleksandr Kamyshin spent more than a year as minister of strategic industries, overseeing Ukraine’s defence ...
From Russia to Kyrgyzstan, and Georgia to Hungary, “foreign agent” style laws have become a preferred instrument for ...
The main stage features folk orchestras and national dance ensembles from all over Kazakhstan. A large crowd is attracted to ...
The DAO in Philadelphia said a teen who was arrested in connection with a federal terror probe had his eyes set on the LGBTQ+ ...